Stillness is one of the most essential components of the cranio-sacral process. …

[ad_1] Stillness is one of the most essential components of the cranio-sacral process. It arises in many different forms from stillness in the patient and the practitioner to points of stillness and dynamic stillness, all are quintessentially vital. Stillness is one of the most essential components of the cranio-sacral process. It arises in many different …

The pineal gland is approximately the size of a pea, but in the shape of a pine-…

[ad_1] The pineal gland is approximately the size of a pea, but in the shape of a pine-cone, it is located in the pineal recess, deep in the centre of the brain. Its function is still unclear but it appears to have a regulatory effect on the whole endocrine system. It produces the hormone melantonin …